57 year old with lower limb weakness

 This is an a online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan

The patient/ attender was informed the purpose of the information being acquired. An informed consent was taken from patient/ attender and there is omission of information that was requested to be omitted. 


A 57 year old male autodriver by occupation came to the opd with a complaint of inability to stand and walk since 10 days. 

History of presenting illness. 
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back, later he was unable to walk and was falling down due to the imbalance.
He developed fever 7 days ago which he got treated at clinic in suryapet where they assumed it as typhoid and treated it. He was also diagnosed with hypertension. On mentioning his inability to walk they refered him to a higher institution where he is now.  
Patient was taking small steps with swaying motion and loss of sense of balance. 
History of pain and numbness at soles of feet on walking, loss of balance. 
There is no history of fever, trauma, neck stiffness, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, blurring of vision. 
No history of headache, loss of limb control, sensory symptoms. 

Past history 
Diagnosed as hypertensive one year ago which he took medication for 3 months and stopped. 
No history of diabetes, asthma, TB, epilepsy, CAD
No history of any surgeries 

Personal history
Diet: mixed.           Appetite: normal
Bowel and bladder: regular.      Sleep: adequate 
Addictions: chronic smoker since 22 years. 
                   Chronic alcoholic since 20 years stopped          
                    2 years ago. 
Family history: no family members with similar complaints 

Treatment history: took anti hypertensive medication for three months one year ago. 

General physical examination 
Patient was concious coherent cooperative moderately built and nourished , well oriented to time place and person 
Pallor : absent 
Icterus : absent  
Cyanosis : absent 
Clubbing  : present
Lymphadenopathy : absent 
Edema : sent


                            Palmar creases

Temperature : 98.6 F
PR : 86 bpm
BP : 180 / 100 ( 5/09/2022 , 5pm)
RR : 18 cpm

Systemic examination
Oriented to time place and person 
Immediate memory:Intact
Short term memory:Intact
Longterm memory:Intact
No delusions and hallucinations.

Olfactory nerve(I): Smell is intact 
Optic nerve(II):size of both pupils equal.
Pupil reactivity to light:present 
Direct and indirect light reflex are present in both eyes.
Oculomotor(III),Trochlear(IV)and Abducens(VI):ocular movements present.Brief period of diplopia,No ptosis,Horizontal Nystagmus Present 
Trigeminal(V): Sensations over the face present.
Corneal reflex:present 
Jaw jerk: Absent.
Muscles of mastication:Normal(No wasting)
Facial nerve(VII): No deviation of mouth
The wrinkles on both sides of forehead are present.
Secretions:Normal in eyes.
Vestibulocochlear nerve(VIII):Hearing intact.
No positional vertigo and nystagmus.
Glossipharyngeal (IX) and Vagus(X): uvula is centre and pilatoglossus pillars are normal and gag reflex intact.
Taste sensations from posterior tongue is normal.

Spinal accesory(XI):Trapezius and Sternocleidomastoid normal.

Hypoglossal(XII): Tongue (opening )central in postion.

No weakness  and wasting of tongue.
Tongue moments normal.


No visible muscle wasting is seen on inspection.

Right: upper limb—Normal tone
           lower limb—Normal tone

Left:Upper limb—-Normal tone
        lower limb—-Norma tone.


Right upper limb: 5/5
(Tested for supraspinatus,Deltoid,infraspinatus,Rhomboid,pectoralis major,latissimus dorsi,biceps, brachioradialus, triceps,Extensor carpi radialis, Extensor carpi ulnaris,Extensor digitorum,Flexor carpi radialis and Flexor carpi ulnaris,Abductor pollicis longus, Extensor pollicis brevis,Extensor pollicis longus,Lumbricals,Abductor digiti minimi.)

Right lower limb:5/5

(Tested for Quadriceps femoris,Tibialis anterior,Tibialis posterior,Gastrocnemius,peronei,Extensor digitorum longus,flexor digitorum longus,extensor digitorum brevis,extensor hallucis longus)
Left upper limb:5/5
Left lower limb:5/5


Broad based gait
No involuntary movements or tremors are seen.
Fine touch, crude touch and pain intact in all the four limbs.
Temperature: Differentiation between  cold and hot objects present.
Joint position:5/10 (incorrect)in Right lowerlimb and 5/10 (incorrect)in left lower limb.
No abnormal sensations are present

Tendon reflexes: 

Jaw jerk: Not seen

Biceps jerk:+++
Triceps jerk:+++
Supinator jerk:+++
Knee jerk:+++
Ankle jerk:+++

Left side:
Biceps jerk:+++
Supinator jerk:+++
Triceps jerk:+++
Knee jerk:+++
Ankle jerk:+++

Superficial reflex: 
Abdominal reflex: present 

Cerebellar function tests:
Titubation absent
Trunkal ataxia/gait ataxia swaying towards right
No dysarthria,tremors,hypotonia
Coordination tests:

Finger nose test: done by both hands(normal).
No overshooting.
Finger to finger testing:no incordination.
Diadokokinesia: normal with right hand.
Heel knee test: no incordination 
Rhombergs test: swaying towards right with eyes open 
Steriognosis : intact

Autonomic nervous system:
Increased sweating +
No postural hypotension

Meningeal signs:
No neck pain
No spinal and cranial abnormalities 
No carotid bruit

Respiratory system:
On inspection : trachea central , bilateral air entry present , symmetrical expansion of chest present , no scars and sinuses 
P/abdomen : 
On inspection : abdomen was (slightly distended )
No visible scars and sinuses 
Umbilicus : central and normal 
On palpation : soft and non tender 
On percussion:
On auscultation : bowel sounds were heard


Diagnosis:CVA ? PCA stroke



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