36 year old male with involuntary movement of b/l upper and lower limbs.

 This is an a online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan

A 36 year old male patient came to the casualty at 3 in the morning with seizures. 
History of presenting illness-
The patient was apparently asymptomatic yesterday night. He had a high intake of fruits and 180ml of wine during dinner. In the early hours the next day he developed seizures which was sudden in onset and was aware of it’s occurring. He had 4 episodes, first episode lasting for 3-4 minutes.There was stiffness mouth deviation to the left side, involuntary movements for 20-30 seconds first starting on left side and the becoming generalised, froathing at mouth and tongue biting.The other episodes followed within 5 minutes of each other and lasting for 2-3 minutes each. In between each episode he showed altered senses and was aware of his surroundings.
History of altered perception, loss of balance, exertional weakness. 
No history of behavioural changes, loss of consciousness, impaired bowel and bladder, loss of limb control.

Past history-
No recent history of trauma 
History of diabetes mellitus since 6 years. 
No history of asthma, TB, HTN

Family history-
Father- diabetic and hypertensive 
Elder brother- sudden death with chest pain the night
                        before ( 2 years ago)
Treatment history-
Tab. Metformin 500mg sustained release + glimepiride 1mg OD in the morning 

General examination-
Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative 
Well built and nourished
Temperature- 98.6*F      Pulse-78bpm
Rr- 20cpm.                     Bp- 170/120mm hg
Spo2 -98%.                 Grbs-559  

 PALLOR - Absent
ICTERUS- absent 
CYANOSIS - absent 
CLUBBING- absent 
EDEMA- Absent

Systemic examination-
CVS- s1 s2 heard, no murmurs 
Rs- BAE+
P/A -soft and non tender  ,bowel sounds heard

Patient conscious
Speech normal
Cranial nerves intact
Motor system intact
Sensory- altered sensorium




Lipid profile


Serum electrolytes 


2D echo

X-ray chest


Provisional diagnosis-
               Seizures under evaluation with DM2 and denovo HTN

- INJ HAI 1ml (40U), 39ml NS
- INJ Levipil 500mg IV BD
- INJ thiamine 200mg in 100ml NS IV TID
- INJ zofer 4mg/IV/ sos
-INJ Pan 40mg IV OD
- BP/ PR / RR / SPO2 charting 2hrly
- T. Ecosprin 75mg PO/ OD
- T. Atorvas 20mg PO/OD


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